PUNCH Magazine weekly

Punch Magazine Issue 103 30th April 2021 MIKE JESSOP Independent WHIG PARTY Candidate for CALOUNDRA QLD

PUNCH Magazine
The Official Weekly humourous and satirical publication of MIKE JESSOP

WHIG PARTY Punch Magazine Issue 103 30th April 2021

103rd ISSUE Lest we forget the Polar Reversal and Cataclysmic Flood 2046 AD

Lest we forget the Polar Reversal and Cataclysmic Flood 2046 AD Video on seafloor spreading. and Dating short-term magnetic reversals using Seafloor Spreading Proof the Earth's Magnetic Field Reverses in a Lot Shorter time than what is taught in school. More Proof of the Clock Cycle Running Through Time.

The next video, Part 6B in Series 4, will answer some of the questions people have asked regarding the latest video. Video Series 4, Part 4H

Lest we forget the Polar Reversal and Cataclysmic Flood 2046 AD

[39 min.]

The video after that will be a new Series 5, Part 1. It will include the mythologies and legends from around the world. They all indicate the survivors were those who were in caves.

The list of all the videos predicting this event are in the description section of each YouTube video. Enjoy

WHIG PARTY Punch Magazine Issue 102 23rd April 2021

102nd ISSUE I thought I would share with you what I do for diet

WHIG PARTY Punch Magazine issue 101A 5th April 2021 101st (A) ISSUE There follows a treatise on the

Prostate gland Arterial Embolisation (PAE)

and more more notes in no particular order to draw attention to catalyse and inspire the treatment of something that detrimentally affects every other male ( ie 50% of the male population over the age of 50 and one in 12 between Age 31-40: ) namely an enlarged prostate gland

Divorce law reform link

May God bless you
Yours sincerely

Together we will change the course of history - today

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Independent WHIG PARTY Candidate - MIKE JESSOP

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Friday April 30 2021, 9:44 AM Copyright ©2021, The Whig Party . All rights reserved.